Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time for change, real change is NOW

The following is being posted with the consent of the original author ...

It is with great delight that I read the article appearing in your Reader to Reader section of your Jan. 7, 2010 issue of The Millbrook Times. Kudos to Lyell Shields for actually putting "pen to paper" what most Millbrook residents had voiced since my arrival to this area 5 years ago.

Our initial view of the quaintness, charm & beauty of Millbrook & its environs made us want to live here after just one visit. However, once we moved here, it wasn't long before the ugliness of local politics, questionable "financial practices", action and/or ineptitude when dealing with municipal concerns, secrecy, the lack of accountability, information, etc., reared their ugly heads.

A major purpose of having a democracy is the transparency & accountability of actions taken by elected officials on behalf of the people that elected them & the opportunity & ability of residents to express their opinions on these actions. It appears that the previous council did not nor does the current council subscribe to this. The less the residents know the better, quicker & easier it is to ram through controversial legislation notwithstanding the detrimental effect (both financial &, environmentally) on area residents. The issue of transporting water from Millbrook to Fraserville, the installation of wind turbines, the questionable dispersal of slot moneys, the removal of the name of Millbrook from county signs (because "it's too long"?), the reluctance or even refusal to provide general public information relative to Millbrook, seems to indicate the existence of an "underground movement" authored by certain officials to obliterate anything to do with the town of Millbrook as a whole. Revenge - Why? Personal gain - Who knows?

I'm sure there are many other issues that I'm unaware of affecting myself & other Millbrook residents so I whole heartedly agree with Lyell Shields that the "Time for change, real change" is NOW & the opportunity will present itself at the next municipal election.

Henry Tretjakoff
Millbrook, ON.

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