Thursday, October 14, 2010

Public Meeting September 30th Whispering Woods, Millbrook Ontario

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

To Whom it May Concern:

I want you all to know how upset I am with the Public meeting held by Energy Farming Ontario for the Whispering Woods proposed wind farm near Millbrook Ontario.

The meeting was advertised to be held from 5-8pm at the Millbrook arena. Many of us arrived just before 5pm and were out in the parking lot waiting for the doors to open to allow us to the second floor area. We did not stand out there with signs, we did not riot, we did not try to intimidate anyone we lined up peaceably waiting to get in. Once in we were greeted by 4 or 5 security guards, 2 uniformed OPP officers and 2 Plainclothes officers. We were told we must sign in and wear a name tag or we would not be allowed admittance. The lady at the desk was rude and insistent that if we did not sign in we were not allowed to attend. She even told many that this was an MOE requirement!

A sign was posted telling everyone that they were being videotaped and if we didn't want that we should leave. Many ended up leaving as the intimidation practice worked.

Those of us who stayed could not get close to the stations to hear what was being said. We could not tell who the employees were as most of them wore name tags with only a first name and nothing to identify them as employees.

This was supposed to be a public meeting for us to learn and ask questions about the proposed wind farm. Instead it seemed the goal of the Company was to make everyone.

angry and intimidated. The people who attended acted responsibly and I believe this company owes our community an apology for treating us like agitators and criminals.
Marion Thompson
Millbrook Ontario

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