Friday, June 25, 2010


The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

On Wednesday June 9th, several signs disappeared from residents properties on County Road 21 east of Millbrook. Interestingly they were all “It’s About Water” and “Stop the Wind Turbines” signs. Our signs were all on our own property some 45’ or more from the centre line of the road.

I contacted the OPP to advise our signs had been stolen, some of which had been on our fenceposts since December 2009. I told the Officer I thought it was the County that had removed them but he didn’t think it would be them because that would probably be a violation of our freedom of speech.

It did turn out to be the County who removed all the signs. I was told by an employee “they were directed to remove all the WATER AND WIND TURBINE SIGNS on County Road 21”. I wasn’t told who instigated that directive, but the County agreed to give us back all of our signs and as long as they were placed 43’ from the centre line of the road there would be no issues.

This incident begs the question why when they were planning to close a section of Airport Road the protest signs located directly on the shoulder of County Road 28 were not removed. One wonders if the directive was from someone who has some influence within the County, for this to have happened so quickly because many of the signs had just gone up.

Marion Thompson
R.R. 1

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