Thursday, July 8, 2010

Care About Your Neighbours

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

I recently had a conversation with a friend about my concern over the prospect of a wind farm development project in my immediate vicinity. His reply was twofold: I should support green energy since alternative energy forms are the future, and secondly, that I should not take a NIMBY approach to the issue. I think his response is not unique and I would like to share my opinion on this matter.

I would respectfully disagree with the first conclusion insofar as it lacks clarification. My strong disdain for wind turbine development in our township has absolutely nothing to do with the greater ethical challenge of creating a sustainable alternative energy source. I believe that alternative energy sources are necessary. However this statement in its generality has no direct bearing on whether or not a particular form of energy production—wind turbines—is suitable or appropriate. I would argue that wind turbine leases are generally being signed by land owners on the basis of a perceived financial gain rather than any greater philosophical commitment to our environment. Furthermore I would contend that even if these monstrosities are ‘green’ (and that is highly debatable) they have no place in a neighbourhood.

This brings me to the second response that I am merely taking a NIMBY approach. While I find great fault in our provincial government for railroading wind turbines through the province without any consideration for the myriad of negative implications on human health, safety, the environment, land worth and (unapologetically) the aesthetic, responsibility does not stop there. We, as citizens and owners of the land in this township have an obligation at our level to ensure that our actions do not negatively impact those around us. One should understand that the personal financial gain one may anticipate when signing a lease for wind turbines has far reaching consequences-- consequences that reach beyond ones own farm gate. Please consider this when you are approached by a wind turbine company. So I would extend the NIMBY approach. Not in my backyard. Not in our backyards. Not in our neighbourhoods. Please care about your neighbours.

Ryan Van Loon
Cavan Ward

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