Monday, August 16, 2010

Objections to Wind Turbines in the Millbrook Area

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

I am writing to express my strong objection to the introduction of wind turbines in Millbrook area. Why? Because industrial wind turbines do not belong in neighbourhoods.

Under the Green Energy Act, Whispering Winds has proposed to erect 400+ foot wind turbines beside residential homes in the Millbrook area. The setback restrictions of 550 metres adopted by the McGuinty government are half of that established in other provinces and many European countries. Britain has learned from decades of using wind energy that turbines need to be further from homes. Recently a bill was tabled in the House of Lords recommending a minimum of a 2 km setback - almost four times the distance Ontario has adopted.

Property owners and taxpayers go through a lengthy approval process to obtain a building permit for any structure greater than 10ft x 10ft on their property. Yet a giant industry with absolutely no interest or investment in our long term welfare is given the ‘green’ light by provincial government to set up 400 foot monstrosities on a 1600 square feet base over the back fence!

A home is the biggest investment most of us have in our lives.

Many homeowners living adjacent to wind turbines have had to abandon their homes and move elsewhere due to ill health effects related in part to noise, vibration and flickering. They face dramatic reductions in the selling price, and, more often than not, are bought out by the wind company who subsequently leaves the buildings abandoned as no one can tolerate living there.

There is absolutely no provincial or municipal protection or compensation for losses suffered. This possibility is now on the ‘landscape’ for at least 60 local home owners adjacent to the proposed turbines.

Millbrook continues to work hard to attract tourists and business. Visitors enjoy the charming historic village atmosphere, the local theatre, specialty shops and more. People who move here are lured by the incredible natural beauty, peace and tranquility. Will 400 foot wind turbines add to this? Rest assured that the current proposed number of 5 turbines is not the end of it, but simply a foot in the door. Take a drive to Wolfe Island or Shelburne for a sobering reality check as to what can happen to a landscape enhanced by upwards of 80 wind turbines.

It most unfortunate that our community is facing this threat based on an ill-fated and ill-informed decision by a few landowners some of whom now realize they are trapped by binding lease agreements even though they want out.

This is not a matter of being against green energy. It is simply recognizing the obvious: Wind turbines DO NOT belong in neighbourhoods.

Please lend your support to the local cause.

For more information please contact:

Thank you

Ruth Roberts
Millbrook ON

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